A one-woman journey to create a life brimming with

curated  delight  &  eclectic  wonder.


The Goods

While my darling brick-and-mortar closed in 2021, collected, curated, and cherished goods with stories to tell are totally my jam. I’m still collecting for myself and in love with the thrill of the hunt, so you’ll find me hosting semi-regular live sales on Facebook! Come join the fun!

Digital Design

With a lifetime of entrepreneurship and an interior design background, I quickly came to see how necessary an intentional and curated social presence is today. Whether you need graphic design for logos or printables, signage, website design, content creation, social media engagement, comment management, brand directives or ghostwriting, let’s chat!

Estate Services

When you wish to re-home some pieces or are facing the daunting task of clearing a departed loved one's estate, I understand the emotions and needs that will arise. I’m equipped to advise you on the best next steps or assist you through the process of dealing with the details and navigating the sale smoothly.



"The home should be the treasure chest of living."